Eating for Others: Friends of the Winter Sports Park at City Park Grill

10% of all City Park Grill proceeds on Wednesday, May 03, 2023, will be donated to Friends of the Winter Sports Park. This is the first in a series of three Eating for Others events sponsored by Wineguys Restaurant Group.
Wednesday, May 3 | City Park Grill
Friends of the Winter Sports Park
For nearly 120 years, the Winter Sports Park in Petoskey “has been a landmark community space for families to enjoy a northern Michigan winter,” explains Thirty years ago, the lodge was built through City of Petoskey and Rotary Club of Petoskey collaboration. Today, Friends of the Winter Sports Park aims to improve and expand the park by “creating an all-season space that could be a destination for generations to come.”
“Most of us within the Wineguys family have enjoyed the Winter Sports Park,” shares Wineguys Partner Patrick Faylor. “As kids, we learned to skate. As parents, we took our own kids to skate and sled. It really is a special place, and we’re excited to help the organization reach their goal of creating a year-round recreation area.”