Giving Tuesday 2023

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.
One of the best ways to get involved is in your own community. We've created a directory to help you find organizations, charities, events, and more in your own community.
Choose one (or more) of Chamber Nonprofits to give, check out who is participating in #GivingTuesday2023
Beaver Island Music Festival
Charlevoix Area Humane Society
Now is the time to double your investment in saving the lives of the dogs and cats, and other animals that find their way to the Charlevoix Area Humane Society. Your previous support has helped thousands of animals recover from injuries, illnesses and find forever loving homes.
We have secured $13,000 in matching funds to make you donation stretch further!
We are still actively raising funds to purchase a proper ?HVAC? ventilation system. This improved air purification system will help curb airborne viruses and help keep shelter animals healthy while they wait to be adopted. This would include desperately needed upgraded heating and cooling units. This is an expensive venture and greatly needed, with your help we can better serve the animals in Charlevoix County and beyond, and the people who care about them!
Zonta is a service organization working to empower women worldwide through service and advocacy
Services project:
Sights on Success | Scholarships | Z Club Charlevoix H.S. | Cancer Comfort Pillows | Books For Headstart | Provide Clothing | Women's Resource Center
Northern Community Mediation
In March 2023, Northern Community Mediation (NCM) purchased an office condominium for its “forever home.” Our goal is to pay off the mortgage in five years. In order to do so, we are launching a capital campaign. Please, consider making a contribution to help us defray the mortgage expenses. No matter how large or small, your donation will be greatly appreciated.
You can send a check to at 2202 Mitchell Park Drive, Unit 4 in Petoskey 49770 or go to our website . Call Jane at 231.487.1771 if you have any questions.
Rainbow Shoppe
The Rainbow Shoppe is happy to participate in Giving Tuesday 2023.
With winter upon us the donations given for this event will go to help with local housing,needs such as rent, shelter, heat , propane.
Here is our PayPal QR Code for donations