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Charlevoix Area Guide

Secure your advertisement today in the 2025 Charlevoix Area Guide! This joint publication between the Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce and Visit Charlevoix reaches over 80,000 viewers through statewide publication fulfillment channels, direct mailings, local distribution, and digital publishing.
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AD SIZES (WxH in inches): Full page: 7.375X9.875 Half page: -Horizontal 7.375x4.75 -Vertical 3.25X9.875 Quarter Page: 3.25X4.75 Eighth Page: 3.25X2.1875
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Please note any questions, preferences, or advertisement comments. You will be contacted by a representative of the Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce or Visit Charlevoix upon receipt of this form to confirm your participation. Thank you!
Advertisement artwork is due 1.10.25. If ready, submit your advertisement via file upload here! If your advertisement is not ready yet or will not attach, please note in the Additional Comments section above that you will be sending the file separately. The ad file can be emailed to >> PDF files are required, written as PDF/X-1a:2011 with embedded fonts. TrueType fonts must be converted to outlines prior to submission or will not be accepted. Color values must be CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black); please convert Pantone spot colors to CMYK. Ads submitted as RGB, spot, or LAB will be converted. 300 dpi artwork required. Ads not submitted to the specifications will be reset at a standard production rate. Advertisers are responsible for the content of files submitted. The Chamber and Visit Charlevoix reserve the right to decline advertisements with inappropriate content or those not submitted to the correct specifications.